In these puzzles you have two overlapping Du-Sum-Ohs (Squiggly Sudokus). The pink square and the yellow square each forms a Du-Sum-Oh puzzle. Orange cells belong to both squares. Within each square, place numbers in the cells so that each row and each column contains exactly one of each number. Regions must also contain exactly one of each number, but regions may have cells in both squares. White cells do not belong to eaither square but are still part of a region and must also have a number.

Use the numbers shown in each puzzle, plus the number 1 whether it is shown or not. In other words, all these puzzles use the numbers 1 through 5, 1 through 6, or 1 through 7.

Click on a puzzle to bring up a larger image; click on the solution link to see the solution. Interactive solving is not yet available here.


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