
Majoritory is played on an NxN square divided into N regions, with N an odd number. The division of regions is done at random (or in any other manner the players agree on) prior to to the start of the game. Usually each region is connected. Though this is not necessary, the game is easier to visualize with connected regions.

Here's a typical 5x5 board:

  1. One player is 'X', the other 'O'. X goes first, and players take turns marking a cell with their symbol.
  2. To offset the advantage of X going first, O is allowed to make two marks during one (just one) of her turns. However, O's double move cannot place both marks in the same row, column, or region.
    (my thanks to William Chang for his suggestion of the second half of this rule)
  3. Once a cell is marked, it cannot be marked again. Play continues until all cells are marked.
  4. The player with the most marks in any row, column, or region gets a point. The player with the most points wins. Draws are impossible, since there will be 3N points awarded.
Scoring Example:
The end of a typical game is shown below. O has won three rows and four columns. The breakdown of each region is shown at right, and O has also won four of the regions. She wins the game 10 to 5.

Majoritory is copyright ©2001 by Bob Harris

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