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A mad veterinarian has created four animal transmogrifying machines.

Place a cat in the input bin of the first machine, press the button, and … whirrr … bing! Open the output bins to find one dog and two mice.

The second machine can convert a dog into a mouse and three rabbits; the third machine can convert a mouse into two cats and three rabbits; and the fourth machine can convert a rabbit into a cat and five dogs. Each machine can also operate in reverse (e.g. if you've got a dog and two mice, you can convert them into a cat).

The mad veterinarian has handed you three cats, and expects you to convert them into four mice. Can you do it? Can you handle the other conversion tasks he asks of you?

If you need help with the applet, press the ? button. Or follow the link below for how to solve these puzzles. The different conversion tasks can be selected from the Puzzle Choice pop-up menu.
How To Solve Mad Veterinarian Puzzles
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