Polycube Shapes
Tetracubes added Sep/15/2012
Hexacubes updated Sep/15/2012   (older version)
Solid Heptominoes updated Sep/12/2012   (older version)
Solid Octominoes added May/17/2013
P-Faced Heptacubes

25 Pentacubes Puzzles

25 Pentacubes into 5x5x5
25 Pentacubes into 8x8x2

166 Hexacubes Puzzles

Hexacubes packed into 10x10x10 (10 P packing)
Hexacubes packed into 10x10x10 (8 corners packing) added May/17/2010
Hexacubes packed into 19x19x3

49 P-faced Heptacubes Puzzles

P-Faced Heptacubes packed into 7x7x7

Replicated Piece Puzzles

Packing four tetracubes and two pentacubes into 3x3x3 added May/18/2013
Packing three tetracubes and three pentacubes into 3x3x3 added May/15/2013
Packing three pentacubes and two hexacubes into 3x3x3 added May/15/2013
Packing two sets of three pentacubes into 4x4x2 added Sep/18/2012
Packing four pentacubes and five hexacubes into 5x5x2 added May/19/2013
Packing three sets of three solid heptominoes into 4x4x4 added Sep/21/2012
Packing three pentacubes and seven solid heptominoes into 4x4x4 added Sep/21/2012
Packing six solid hexominoes and four solid heptominoes into 4x4x4 updated May/17/2013   (older version)
Packing four solid hexominoes and five solid octominoes into 4x4x4 updated May/17/2013   (older version)

Related Stuff

How I Create These Drawings added Nov/27/2008